There’s a saying, “Good fences make good neighbors,” but in Temecula, CA, the saying might go something like, “Good fences, built in line with local Fence Code regulations, make for great neighbors.” Let’s delve into these regulations that govern the construction, location, and maintenance of fences, hedges, and walls.
Fence Code Regulations for Temecula CA
Fences, Hedges and Walls
Height and Composition Guidelines
According to Temecula regulations:
- Solid fences, hedges, and walls in the front setback must be no higher than three feet. This preserves safe visibility for pedestrians and for vehicular traffic entering and exiting properties. However, a combination of solid and open fences up to six feet high may be located in the required front yard, corner, or side yard, as long as at least ninety percent of the top three feet of their vertical surface is open and non-view obscuring. Chain link fencing, with or without slats, is strictly prohibited.
- Fences and walls, including fencing set on top of walls, in other setback areas can go up to six feet in height. This height is measured at the fence’s lowest point of finished grade.
- Sports facilities like ball fields and tennis courts can have court fencing reaching a maximum of twelve feet, provided the fencing is set back at least five feet from the property line.
Site Visibility
Safe visibility is a crucial aspect of any fencing. Therefore, Temecula regulations have specific provisions to ensure this:
- At the intersection of all streets, a sight visibility area must be maintained.
- Anything that could obstruct visibility or compromise vehicular or pedestrian safety, such as overgrown plants or large objects, is not permitted within the corner cut-off area if it exceeds thirty-six inches from the top of the curb. The dimensions of this corner site visibility area are measured from each side of the curb radius, and the specific requirements vary depending on the type of street:
- Local street or alley: fifteen feet
- Collector or arterial: twenty-five feet
Property Maintenance
Temecula is a city that takes pride in its neighborhoods. As such, all buildings, structures, yards, and other improvements must be maintained in a manner that does not detract from the appearance of the immediate neighborhood. As per local regulations, the following conditions are strictly prohibited:
- Structures that are dilapidated, deteriorating, or unrepaired, such as fences, roofs, doors, walls, and windows
- Scrap lumber, junk, trash or debris
- Abandoned, discarded, or unused objects or equipment, like automobiles, auto parts, furniture, stoves, refrigerators, cans, containers, or similar items
- Stagnant water or excavations, including pools or spas

Regulations for Religious Institutions
Religious institutions, while conditionally permitted in all residential zoning districts, must adhere to specific development guidelines:
- The facility must comply with all land use regulations and site development standards of the zoning district in which it is located.
- The facility must be located on a general plan level roadway.
- All buildings must have a minimum ten-foot setback from property lines adjoining residential uses.
- Recreational facilities other than open fields must have a minimum twenty-five-foot setback from property lines adjoining residential uses.
- The buildings and parking areas must be located to minimize the impact on adjacent residential uses.
Understanding Permits
A crucial part of understanding and complying with the Fence Code regulations for Temecula CA involves understanding permits. Let’s dive in.
When is a Permit Required?
For most fences over three feet tall and walls over four feet tall (including retaining walls), you’ll need a permit. However, there are exceptions, so always check with the city’s planning department.
How to Apply for a Permit?
Applying for a permit involves submitting an application to the City of Temecula along with a site plan that details where your fence will be located. The city then reviews your application, and if everything is in order, they’ll issue you a permit.
What Happens After You Receive the Permit?
Once you’ve got your permit, you can start building your fence. However, the city will need to inspect it once it’s built to ensure it’s in compliance with the regulations. If your fence passes the inspection, you’re good to go!
Common Mistakes in Understanding Fence Code Regulations
Despite the best of intentions, mistakes can happen when understanding and applying the fence code regulations. Here are a few common ones to avoid:
- Assuming All Fences Require a Permit: Not all fences require a permit. Don’t fall into the trap of assuming otherwise!
- Overlooking Material Guidelines: Using the right materials is crucial for a sturdy, lasting fence. Ensure the materials comply with Temecula’s fence code regulations.
- Neglecting Maintenance: A well-kept fence isn’t just a personal responsibility; it’s a requirement under the regulations.
FAQs on Fence Code Regulations in Temecula CA
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into some frequently asked questions.
1. Do I need a permit for a temporary fence in Temecula, CA?
Typically, temporary fences used for construction or special events do require a permit. However, it’s best to check with the City of Temecula to be sure.
2. How close to the property line can I build my fence?
This can depend on a variety of factors including the type of fence and its height. Always consult with the city’s planning department before building.
3. Can I build an electric fence in Temecula, CA?
Electric fences are generally not permitted in residential areas in Temecula, CA.
4. What is the penalty for not adhering to the fence code regulations in Temecula, CA?
Failing to adhere to these regulations could result in fines, mandatory changes to your fence, or in some cases, the requirement to remove the fence entirely.
5. What if my fence was built before the regulations were put into place?
Fences built prior to the regulations are usually “grandfathered in”. However, significant repairs or changes may require compliance with current regulations.
6. What if my neighbor’s fence doesn’t comply with the regulations?
If you believe a neighbor’s fence is in violation of local regulations, you should contact the City of Temecula’s code enforcement department.
Play By The Rules
Well, that’s the long and short of Fence Code regulations for Temecula CA. When you’re planning to build a fence, always remember to play by the rules. After all, a little compliance can go a long way towards fostering a harmonious community. So, here’s to good fences, good neighbors, and abiding by the regulations!